With over seventy five years of combined audit experience, our audit Partners are experts in conducting audit and assurance services in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors.
A vast majority of the firm's audit services are performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (YellowBook) and OMB Circular A-133 auditing standards. Our services to these organizations spans over fifty years and in addition to the basic audit of the financial statements, we have assisted our clients in other key functions such as grants management, internal CFO services, financial application systems development, and contract compliance matters.
Firm wide quality control over our audit and assurance services are maintained through our stringent internal review process and include an outside independent firm review of our system of quality control over its accounting and auditing practice. This independent review is conducted in accordance with the standards established by the Peer Review Board of the AICPA and we have consistently received unqualified opinions on our system of quality control over our accounting and auditing practice.